Organization Chart

The DOI Office of Restoration and Damage Assessment (ORDA) manages the NRDAR Program.  The ORDA office includes the Office Director, Operations Unit and Budget Unit headquartered in Washington, D.C.; while the Deputy Office Director and the Restoration Support Unit is headquartered in Denver, CO. The following organization chart goes beyond the small number of people in the Program Management Office and reflects the integrated management structure of the NRDAR Program as a whole, with the inter-related components of six bureaus, the Office of the Solicitor, and the Office of Policy Analysis within the Office of the Secretary.

Operations Unit – manages damage assessment technical assistance and funding, oversees the ORDA communications strategy, the IOSP Program, and the office information-management system, DARTS, and provides training opportunities and webinars for NRDAR practitioners.

Restoration Support Unit – provides technical support to case teams working on assessment of and restoration for natural resource injuries and lost use of those resources and related activities, organizes and provides training opportunities for NRDAR practitioners.

Budget Unit – oversees and manages the distribution of funds deposited from settlements and agreements (including investments) in the NRDAR Fund at the direction of involved Interior offices and bureaus, and/or jointly with federal, state, and Tribal trustees, as well as funding for NRDAR initiatives and activities related to assessment and restoration.

ORDA Organizational Chart

The NRDAR Program reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary – Policy and Environmental Management, under the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management, and Budget (AS-PMB).  There is also a “NRDAR Executive Committee” representative at the assistant director level for BIA, BLM, BOR, FWS and NPS; and a Deputy Associate Solicitor.  The NRDAR Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing policy direction and approving allocation of resources.

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