Performance Reports

The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires that agencies report on their performance at the end of each fiscal year. 

Beginning with the 2011 Annual Performance Report and the 2012/2013 Annual Performance Plan, to take advantage of the opportunity to relate prior year performance with plans for the current year and budget year, the Annual Performance Report and Annual Performance Plan were combined into a single Annual Performance Plan and Report.

The APP&R provides a holistic presentation of recent accomplishments, plans for programs underway in the current year, and a budget year plan that ties to the President's budget request. This document provides a comprehensive view of performance for all Departmental entities in a manner that allows an understanding of the integrated nature of operations to achieve the Department's performance goals. The APP&R presents the performance targets for the upcoming year and the budget year, resources allocated, program contributions, challenges and risks, and finer level performance measures and milestones that support the Strategic Plan goals.

Interior developed the below documents under prior administrations and will be updated in accordance with direction from the current administration.

Performance Reports

Learn more about the Department's annual financial reports. 

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