Physical Security Program (PSP)

Physical Security Program: Provide advice, guidance, leadership and oversight over DOI’s Physical Security functions.


The PSP provides the following services:

  • Policy to support the framework of each security program to better ensure consistency and alignment of overall security risk management strategies and posture, this includes ensuring they are aware of and understand DOI’s and all known external security requirements (DHS, GSA, OMB, etc.). The PSP develops strategies, policies, plans, guidance, and procedures commensurate with the needs of DOI as well as current directives, orders, regulations, and statutes that govern the physical security program. PSP develops DOI physical security policy, corresponding standards, systems, and procedures, which impact all bureaus and offices of DOI both nationally and regionally. The PSP also reviews and analyzes new directives and programs proposed or issued by other Government agencies and develops new procedures/policies or modifies existing ones. See the links to current policies below.
  • Assessments of DOI bureau/office’s security programs to help ensure they are developing and maintaining reasonable security risk management programs and that we are supporting their programmatic evolution and ensuring compliance.
  • Oversight of facility assessments via:
    • Participation in bureau facility assessments.
    • Management of the ISC Compliance reporting process.
    • Reviewing random facilities per 444 DM 1.8C (6) for oversight, risk management, and compliance purposes.
  • Coordination and information sharing between bureaus/offices, government sectors, and external partners and stakeholders.
  • Technical assistance in providing software and template solutions to improve programmatic efficiency.
  • Data management of DOI’s physical security program inventory and their criticality designations to help in understanding risk and priorities. This also includes development and management of a SharePoint site to share and collaborate between bureaus/offices.
  • Performance metrics of the security program for annual reporting.
  • Facility assessments, as needed for DOI’s structures, and as requested by each bureau to support their needs.
  • General Support to help the bureau security programs as changes, needs, and issues come along.
  • Program enhancement based on bureau/office collaborations and independent oversight reviews such as the ISC’s Compliance Verification Report (2023). 


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