Northern Marianas Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives to lead Democrats on Insular Affairs Subcommittee


Washington, D.C. (March 14, 2011) - Northern Marianas Delegate to the House of Representatives, Mr. Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan was elected on Thursday, March 10, by the Democratic members of the House Natural Resources Committee to be the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee with jurisdiction over the Northern Mariana Islands and all the other U.S. insular areas. In addition to insular matters the Subcommittee has jurisdiction over national fisheries, wildlife, and oceans policies. "This is a remarkable opportunity to advance the interests of our islands. Insular area issues have traditionally been handled in a very bipartisan manner in Congress. And I have already met on several occasions this year with Chairman John Fleming (R-LA), who heads the Subcommittee, to talk about implementation of federal immigration and other issues of importance to the Northern Marianas. I will work hard to build that relationship with the Chairman so that together we can address the concerns of the Northern Marianas and all the insular areas," announced Mr. Kilili in his recent e-newsletter.

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