OIA Press Releases (2020 to Present)

Office of Insular Affairs Announces Grant Assistance to Support Development of New Hospital Project in Chuuk State, FSM


An investment of $8,486,000 in Compact of Free Association grant assistance is provided in support of the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia’s efforts toward designing, developing and engineering a new hospital in Chuuk State and will replace hospital infrastructure that was built prior to 1986 or the beginning of the Compact of Free Association relationship.

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Interior Department Applauds Renewed Economic Assistance for Compacts of Free Association


On Saturday, March 9, 2024, President Biden signed into law, H.R. 4366, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024,” which included the Compact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2024. The Department of the Interior today celebrated the finalization of amendments to the Compacts of Free Association, which would provide 20 years of new economic assistance. The $6.5 billion of assistance is critical for economic stability and quality of life for the people of the freely associated states (FAS): the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the Republic of Palau.

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OIA Anounces $2.3 Million in FY24 Funds for Four Atoll Healthcare in the Marshall Islands and APIPA


“Every year OIA provides funding to support healthcare for families and communities from the four nuclear-affected atolls, a program we have supported for many years now as a critical piece of our ongoing support to the Marshall Islands. This year we are also supporting the APIPA’s efforts to conduct peer and quality control review of their operations across the islands, a critical role given the important levels of federal funds that are provided to the islands,” said Assistant Secretary Cantor.

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EIC Grants to Territories in 2023


The Energizing Insular Communities (EIC) program provides grant funding to the U.S. territories for energy strategies that reduce the cost of electricity and reduce dependence on foreign fuels. This program is intended to support the Department priority to utilize our natural resources by ensuring American energy is available to meet security and economic needs. A total of $15,935,439, in EIC funds were awarded in fiscal year 2023.

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OIA Announces $1.2 Million in FY2023 Funds to Combat Invasive Species in the Insular Areas


“Invasive species are disruptive and destabilizing to eco-systems in the islands in ways that threaten food sources and the livelihoods of people in these areas,” said Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Affairs Carmen G. Cantor. “Combatting invasive species and mitigating their threat is a priority throughout the Insular Areas. We are pleased to provide this support.”  

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