Artificial Intelligence (AI) Compliance Plan

The Department of the Interior is committed to establishing an open, innovative approach to expanding the safe, secure and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), consistent with the principles laid out in EO 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence and with OMB Memorandum M-24-10. The Department previously provided guidelines on Risk Managed Use of Generative AI (August 2023); these guidelines will remain in effect as the Department refines additional guidance in alignment with M-24-10. The Department does not have existing policies or guidelines regarding the use of other forms of AI, including machine and deep learning applications. To date, Interior does not have any safety or rights impacting use cases.    

Read the Department's AI Compliance Plan for more information about Interior's commitment to adopt responsible AI. As the Department’s AI maturity continues to develop, Interior, through the leadership of the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO), will consistently review guidelines, policy, and principles and update as needed to ensure the application of AI tools enhance our mission and serve the American people. 

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