Law Enforcement Policies & Policy Bulletins

Law Enforcement Policies:

Chapter 1: Policy and Responsibilities (Departmental Manual)

Chapter 2A: Personnel Security and Suitability Program (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 2B: Medical Standards and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 3: Policy Compliance Evaluation Program (Departmental Manual)

Chapter 4: Interagency Assistance and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 5A: Victim Assistance Program Victim Rights and Services (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 5B: Victim Assistance Program Core Responsibilities Under VRRA-CVRA and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 5C: Victim Assistance Program Special Considerations Vulnerable Victims Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 5D: Victim Assistance Program Structure of the Department VAP Program Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 6: Operation of Detention Facilities (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 7: Evidence Management (Departmental Manual)

Chapter 8: Interception of Verbal Communication (Departmental Manual)

Chapter 9: Case Management Standards (Departmental Manual)

Chapter 10: Firearms Standards and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 11: Airline Travel by Law Enforcement Officers and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 12: Law Enforcement Vehicle Standards and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 13: Incident Management, Analysis, and Reporting System (IMARS) (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 15: Training Standards (Department Manual)

Chapter 16: Law Enforcement Radio and Telecommunication Systems and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 17: Serious Incident Reporting (Departmental Manual)

Chapter 18: Emergency Response and Pursuit Driving and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 19: Use of Small Unmanned Aircraft and Aircraft Systems in Law Enforcement Missions (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 20: Use of Force (Departmental Manual)

Chapter 21: Use of Polygraph and Polygraph Examinations (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 22: Electronic Control Device (Department Manual)

Chapter 23: Law Enforcement Canine Program and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 24: Retirement Credentials, Honorary Credentials, and Photographic Identification Cards (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 25: Boards of Review (BOR) and Serious Incident Review Groups (SIRG) (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 26: Internal Affairs (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 30: DNA Collection and Handbook (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 37: Suspicious Activity Reporting (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 38: Diplomatic and Consular Immunities – Foreign Nationals (Law Enforcement Policy)

Chapter 41: Use of Body Worn Cameras and Vehicle Mounted Cameras (Departmental Manual)

Law Enforcement Policy Bulletins:

OLES Mission Vision and Values Statement 2024

OLES LESPB 23-01: Expedited Public Release of BWC and VMC Footage

OLES LESPB 23 - 02:  NIBIN Policy Bulletin

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