Federal Subsistence Board to hold a work session on deferred Temporary Wildlife Special Action Request WSA21-01 (Units 23 and 26A caribou and moose)

For Immediate Release:
March 9, 2022
In February 2021, the Northwest Arctic Subsistence Regional Advisory Council submitted a Wildlife Special Action Request WSA21-01 to close Federal public lands in Units 23 and 26A to the harvest of caribou and moose by non-Federally qualified users from August 1 through September 30, 2021. In June 2021, the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) deferred this request to 2022, instructing the Office of Subsistence Management (OSM) to seek additional input on concerns related to caribou. The Board also asked OSM to include comparisons of moose harvest by survey area within Unit 23 in their analysis.
Last edited 03/09/2022
Contact Information
Robbin La Vine
Policy Coordinator
907-206-0900 or 800-478-1456

A telephonic work session is scheduled for March 30, 2022, beginning at 1p.m. The purpose of this work session is for the Board to further discuss and take action on WSA21-01. The revised analysis will be available at least one week before the teleconference, at https://www.doi.gov/subsistence/board.

While this work session is open to the public to listen in, a public comment session will not be provided during the Board’s teleconference since the Board will have previously held public hearings on this issue on April 21, November 17, and December 2, 2021, and March 21, 2022. The public is invited to listen in by calling the telephone numbers below. When prompted, enter the passcode.

Board Work Session Information:

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Teleconference Toll Free: 888-942-9690
Passcode: 6071806

The Board is committed to providing access to this public meeting for all participants. Please direct requests for accommodation needs to the Office of Subsistence Management at (800) 478-1456 or (907) 786-3888 or by e-mail subsistence@fws.gov at least seven business days prior to the meeting.

Information about the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.

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