2021 Yukon River Salmon Fall Fishery Announcement #26 Subdistrict 6-C Personal Use Fishing Schedule Districts Affected: Upper Yukon Area
The 2021 fall chum and coho salmon runs were the lowest on record which led to full season closures for personal use salmon fishing. To provide more fishing opportunity after the majority of the salmon have passed Subdistrict 6-C, personal use fishing restrictions for whitefish and suckers will be relaxed in late October.
Christy Gleason, Area Management Biologist
(907) 459-7274
Toll free fishing schedule and counts: (866) 479-7387
In Fairbanks fishing schedule hotline: 459-7387
Personal Use Salmon Fishing:
Subdistrict 6-C (a portion of the Tanana River drainage from the regulatory markers at the mouth of the Wood River upstream to the downstream mouth of the Salcha River, which includes the communities of Fairbanks, North Pole and Salcha):
Personal use salmon fishing will remain closed for 2021.
Personal Use Whitefish and Sucker Fishing:
Fairbanks Nonsubsistence Area (a portion of the Tanana River drainage from the Wood River upstream to the mouth of the Volkmar River on the north bank and the mouth of the Johnson River on the south bank, which includes Fairbanks, North Pole, Salcha and Delta Junction):
Personal use whitefish and sucker fishing in Subdistrict 6-C with gillnets and fish wheels is closed. Fishing with other gear for whitefish and suckers in the Fairbanks Nonsubsistence Area remains open 24 hours per day, seven days per week, subject to permit stipulations. Only whitefish and suckers may be retained.
Effective 8:00 a.m. Saturday, October 30, personal use whitefish and sucker fishing in Subdistrict 6-C will open with 4-inch or smaller mesh gillnets limited to 60 feet or shorter.
A personal use whitefish and sucker permit and a current sport fish license are required. Contact the Fairbanks office at (907) 459-7274 for a permit application.
For Yukon Area advisory announcements and fish counts, visit www.facebook.com/YukonRiverFishingADFG. To receive advisory announcements by email, sign up at www.cfnews.adfg.alaska.gov.
View Full News Release here: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/applications/dcfnewsrelease/1337911133.pdf
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