Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site

Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site

Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site

Maggie Lena Mitchell was born in Richmond, Virginia, on July 15, 1864. Her mother was a former slave and cook. Despite her humble beginnings, Maggie L. Walker achieved national prominence as a businesswoman and community leader. She established a newspaper and was the first African American woman in the United States to found a bank. She is best known for her leadership of the Independent Order of St. Luke, a group that administered to the sick, promoted humanitarian causes and encouraged individual self-help and integrity. 

To understand a person, it helps to know where they came from and what they experienced in their life. Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site preserves the residence where Mrs. Walker lived and worked until her death in 1934. The Walker family owned the home until 1979, when it and all the contents were purchased by the National Park Service. Today, visitors can tour the house with all its original furnishings and learn more about this inspiring woman.