International Repatriation of Native American Cultural Heritage

Foreign holdings and sales of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian cultural heritage are a source of great concern for many Native American communities, including federally recognized Tribes. Cultural heritage is significant to Native American communities and their identity, health, and well-being. Upon request by a federally-recognized Indian Tribe, Alaska Native community, or Native Hawaiian organization, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) works to support efforts to repatriate items of cultural heritage offered in foreign auctions or held in foreign museums. 



Items of concern may include:

  • Ancestral human remains
  • Funerary items
  • Sacred objects
  • Objects of cultural patrimony as defined by the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

DOI's Role:

  • Implement the Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony (STOP) Act of 2021 which aims to prevent the international export of cultural items prohibited from export under NAGPRA and ARPA, and to facilitate voluntary repatriation. DOI Indian Affairs is leading this effort. 
  • Facilitate communication with other agencies such as the Department of State, as well as Tribes, Alaska Native communities, and Native Hawaiian communities. 
  • Provide expertise on cultural heritage laws (such as NAGPRA, the Antiquities Act, and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act), federal Indian law, and domestic cultural resource programs.
  • Coordinate as needed with other relevant Federal agencies, including the Department of State, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Maintain a staff-level contacts in relevant offices and bureaus who may be able to help assist or advise on issues relating to international repatriation of Native American cultural heritage.

Tribes/Native Hawaiian organizations seeking assistance are encouraged to reach out to relevant contacts at the Department of the Interior: the Office of International Affairs (Brooke Hobbie, [(202) 329-6313]); DOI Indian Affairs (see bottom of linked page for contact info); or the Office of Native Hawaiian Relations. 
Additional information:
• Guide for U.S. Agencies: International Repatriation of Native American Cultural Items

Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior

Last Updated December 2024

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