Federal Subsistence Board Adopts New Regulations for Kuskokwim River Drainage Salmon

Last edited 06/21/2017
Contact Information

Contact: Pippa Kenner

(907) 786-3883 or (800) 478-1456


The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) has approved Temporary Special Action FSA16-01 with modification, closing Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River drainage to the harvest of Chinook and Chum salmon except by Federally qualified subsistence users identified in a Section 804 Subsistence Users Prioritization analysis. The Board determined there is a need to restrict the harvest on Chinook and Chum salmon for the conservation of healthy populations and to continue subsistence uses. Those eligible to harvest Chinook and Chum salmon under Federal regulations are the following: Federally qualified subsistence users residing in the Kuskokwim River drainage and the coastal communities of Chefornak, Kongiganek, Kipnuk, and Kwigillingok. 

Additionally, the Board determined the Federal in-season manager will provide harvest opportunity for Chinook and Chum salmon subsistence fisheries with a combination of management tools including area, timing, and gear restrictions developed in consultation with the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (KRITFC) pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the KRITFC.

An Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) Section 804 analysis is initiated whenever it is necessary to restrict the taking of fish or wildlife on public lands for subsistence uses in order to protect the continued viability of such populations, or to continue subsistence uses. Priority is implemented through appropriate limitations based on the application of the following criteria: (1) customary and direct dependence upon the populations as the mainstay of livelihood; (2) local residency; and (3) the availability of alternative resources. 

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