DOINews: USFWS: Outdoor Events Shift into High Gear At National Wildlife Refuges!

Last edited 09/05/2019

Visitors stop for a bird sighting on a ranger-guided hike at San Diego National Wildlife Refuge.
Visitors stop for a bird sighting on a ranger-guided hike at San Diego National Wildlife Refuge. Photo by USFWS.

If you get a thrill from seeing natural wonders – the annual spring spawn of horseshoe crabs along the mid-Atlantic coast, alligators roaring for mates in Okefenokee Swamp, prairie chickens strutting and calling in the Southwest – national wildlife refuges are the places for you.

If you enjoy more organized celebrations of nature – bird festivals, guided nature hikes, family fishing days – you'll find plenty of those at refuges this season, too.

Visit a refuge and learn how the Refuge System is protecting your natural heritage.

May 2014 Events

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