DOINews: Interior National Capital Area Combined Federal Campaign Charity Auction

Last edited 09/05/2019

To: Department of the Interior Employees in the Washington, DC Area

From: Deanna Archuleta

Senior Advisor to the Secretary

Subject: Interior National Capital Area Combined Federal Campaign Charity Auction on October 4, 2011

As part of Interior's fun-filled fall 2011 National Capital Area Combined Federal Campaign, you are invited to the Interior 2011 CFC Auction. The charity auction will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 in the Bison Bistro. There will also be a charity auction where you can meet representatives from CFC charities. Come and bring your co-workers for a fun event to help raise funds for the CFC.

Successful bidders can pay for their items by donating to the CFC using one of several options. You can pay with cash or check or by signing up for payroll deductions at the auction. Or, you can go green and go on-line to donate through Employee Express, or with a credit or debit card or electronic check. A receipt showing donation to the CFC will complete your purchase.

We need your donations for this year's auction. If you are interested in donating items, please contact Kathleen Wheeler at 202-208-6444 or at or David Bugg at 202-208-4560 or at Items along with a complete description must be provided by no later than noon on Thursday, September 29 to Room 4062 (directly across from the 4th floor snack bar).

Because of the great donated items and the support from Interior employees, we were able to raise $8,600 during the 2010 hour-long auction. Just a few examples from the 2010 auction include: hikes with National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis in Prince William Forest Park, a Kindle electronic reading device, a yummy brunch for 20 from Geppetto's, fly fishing with Will Shafroth, and an Omaha Steaks Gourmet Banquet Basket.

For more information on Interior's National Capital Area CFC campaign, go to the OneInterior homepage and click on the CFC logo. This will take you to the National Capital Area CFC campaign intranet site where you can find the calendar of events, flyers for upcoming events, stories and pictures from past events, and track our progress towards reaching our goal of raising $600,000 for this year's campaign.

Thank you for your support of the Combined Federal Campaign.

For more information visit the CFC 2011 homepage.

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