Salazar Holds Stakeholder Meeting on Big Bend Park, Meets with Governor Perry on America's Great Outdoors Initiative
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today wrapped up a visit to Texas to meet with local leaders about state-led recreation, conservation and restoration initiatives
Interior Releases Report Highlighting Impacts of Climate Change to Western Water Resources
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today released a report that assesses climate change risks and how these risks could impact water operations, hydropower, flood control, and fish and wildlife in the western United States.
AMERICA'S GREAT OUTDOORS: Salazar Urges Americans to Celebrate Earth Day at Parks, Refuges, and Other Public Lands
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today encouraged Americans to celebrate the 41st Earth Day by visiting national parks, national wildlife refuges, or other public lands.
Salazar, Bromwich Announce $25.8 Million Award for Louisiana Coastal Protection Project
BOEMRE announced today that it has awarded more than $25 million in Coastal Impact Assistance Program funding to the state of Louisiana for the construction of a protective land bridge to preserve marsh along the Lake Borgne shoreline.
NRDA Trustees Announce $1 Billion Agreement to Fund Early Gulf Coast Restoration Projects
Under an unprecedented agreement announced by the Natural Resource Trustees for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (Trustees), BP has agreed to provide $1 billion toward early restoration projects in the Gulf of Mexico.
Statement by Secretary Salazar Marking One-Year Anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today issued the following statement regarding the one-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Salazar Announces Approval of Cape Wind Energy Project Construction and Operations Plan
Secretary Salazar today announced that BOEMRE has approved a Construction and Operations Plan (COP) submitted for the Cape Wind Energy Project, which is required before construction may begin on the generation facility planned in Nantucket Sound.
Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee Sets Goals, Agenda
Secretary Salazar today urged the members of the OESC to work together to help strengthen the nation's offshore drilling safety, well containment, and spill response as we explore new energy frontiers.
Photos: Salazar Joins President Clinton to Dedicate President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined President Bill Clinton to formally dedicate the new President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site.
Photos: Salazar Celebrates Reopening of Heritage Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall at Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar joined Bernice King, Dr. Christine King Farris, Martin Luther King, III and NPS Director Jon Jarvis to celebrate the completed restoration of Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church's Heritage Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.