Secretary Salazar Announces New Members of Invasive Species Advisory Committee
Secretary Salazar has appointed six new members to the Invasive Species Advisory Committee, which provides advice and recommendations to the National Invasive Species Council.
Secretary Salazar Visits Landmark Solar Energy Project under Construction on Nevada Public Lands
Secretary Salazar visited the Silver State North Solar Project, a renewable energy project under construction on U.S. public lands in southern Nevada.
Ship Owners and Operators to Pay $44 Million in Damages and Penalties for 2007 San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge Crash and Oil Spill
Federal, state and Bay-area officials announced a civil settlement with the owners and operators of the M/V Cosco Busan that resulted from the ship striking the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in 2007.
Secretary Salazar Joins Dedication Ceremony for Contra Costa Water District's Rock Slough Fish Screen
Secretary Salazar and Reclamation Commissioner Connor joined state, local and tribal officials to dedicate a key Recovery Act-funded water infrastructure project that will help ensure a sustainable water supply and a strong economy for California.
Salazar Highlights Power of America's Outdoor Economy and Restoration of Natural, Cultural Resources in Washington State
Interior Secretary Salazar today wrapped a two-day visit to Washington State where he joined members of Congress, state and local officials & partners to discuss large-scale ecosystem restoration projects...
Secretary Salazar Applauds Beginning of Restoration of Elwha River, Largest in U.S. History
The Elwha River Restoration project will help increase salmon populations, uphold commitments to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and create new opportunities for economic growth and regional vitality.
Secretary Salazar and Washington Leaders to Celebrate Beginning of the Largest Dam Removal in U.S. History
Secretary Salazar and Washington Leaders to Celebrated the beginning of the largest dam removal in U.S. History.
Secretary Salazar Names Michael R. Bromwich and Tommy P. Beaudreau to Lead New DOI Bureaus
Secretary Salazar named current BOEMRE Director Michael R. Bromwich to lead the newly formed Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and current BOEMRE Senior Advisor Tommy P. Beaudreau to lead the newly formed Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
USGS Scientist Honored with Prestigious Federal Employee of the Year Medal for Role in Ending Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Dr. Paul Hsieh, research hydrologist for the Interior Department's U.S. Geological Survey, has earned the Federal Employee of the Year Medal for providing critical scientific information during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.