Protected Areas and Wildlife

DOI-ITAP collaborates with other countries to better manage protected areas, wildlife, and cultural heritage sites. Below are some selected examples of DOI-ITAP's recent programs!


Conserving Protected Areas in Southeast Asia

DOI-ITAP and the U.S. Agency for International Development are partnering with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Centre for Biodiversity to foster regional cooperation on climate change by strengthening the management of ASEAN protected areas. The U.S.-ASEAN Alliance for Protected Area Conservation project promotes nature-based solutions and climate mitigation through capacity-building and technical assistance for the ASEAN Heritage Parks program—a network of national parks and nature reserves with outstanding wilderness and biodiversity values that represent a complete spectrum of ecosystems found in the ASEAN region. 

The project provides partner countries with the U.S. Government’s best expertise in natural and cultural resource management, to advance mutual development objectives that expand biodiversity conservation, reverse deforestation, and accelerate climate mitigation.

DOI-ITAP Factsheet: U.S.-ASEAN Alliance for Protected Area Conservation

Building Capacity for Ecological Data Analysis in Zambia

From 2023 to 2024, DOI-ITAP supported improved wildlife data analysis in Zambia's protected areas through a series of trainings for government ecologists. With a non-governmental organization partner, training focused on open source mapping, data analysis, and animal density software use. DOI-ITAP also facilitated trainings on statistical methods to analyze the density of species and how it changes over time, and adaptive management of natural resources.

Together, these trainings enable Zambian ecologists to better analyze and report data and establish new wildlife monitoring programs.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Zambia supported this project.

Protecting Asian Wetlands and Migratory Bird Corridors (Regional - East Asia)

DOI-ITAP is supporting the Regional Flyway Initiative – an ambitious effort to conserve 50+ wetlands across the East Asian-Australasian Flyway – a migratory bird corridor stretching from the Arctic Circle to New Zealand. 

At the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Initiative 11th Meeting of Partners, DOI-ITAP technical experts presented strategies to better protect wetlands and migratory bird habitats along the Flyway.  

In June 2023, DOI-ITAP co-hosted a technical training workshop in the Philippines in partnership with BirdLife International, the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), and the Asian Development Bank on conservation of critical migratory bird habitat and ecosystem services/wetland restoration

This project is funded in partnership with USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia.



National Parks and Ecotourism Program in Georgia

From 1998 to 2024, DOI-ITAP supported well-managed protected areas in the country of Georgia, through the National Parks and Ecotourism (NPE) Program.  

Both visitation and the number of protected areas increased in Georgia, in part due to cooperation in the NPE Program, which has contributed to improved management of over three million acres of public lands through workshops, mentorship opportunities, and study tours. These protected areas serve as attractive tourist destinations, creating sustainable economic development opportunities for local communities.

The effort was a collaboration with USAID Georgia and the Government of Georgia. 

DOI-ITAP Briefing Papers Concerning Protected Area Management in Georgia

Western Indian Ocean Marine Biodiversity Assessments (Regional - East Africa)

The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) is home to over 2,200 marine species, making it one of the most biodiverse marine ecosystems in the world.  

DOI-ITAP is helping to protect marine biodiversity in the Western Indian Ocean through a research partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society. This research partnership will help identify the region’s “biodiversity hotspots” and improve coordination between WIO policymakers. 

Check out this YouTube video to learn more about the project.

Land Use Mapping in Two Continents

Trained government ministries in West Africa and Southeast Asia on Landsat GIS software to help monitor land use changes that contribute to climate change, environmental degradation, and protected area management.  

  • Primary Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/E3 and United Nations/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Protecting Archaeological Sites in Guatemala

Supported security measures, visitor education, and scientific research in select archaeological sites to advance science, improve tourism experience, and prevent looting.

  • Primary Partner: Congressional Direct Apportionment via USAID/Guatemala 
New Environmental Code in Cambodia

Advised the Cambodian Government on a new national environmental code that includes protected areas and fisheries and wildlife, and other sectors.

  • Primary Partner: USAID/ Regional Development Mission Asia (RDMA)
Biodiversity Assessment for Papua New Guinea

Assessed the country's biodiversity, through desk reviews and field work, highlighting threats and noting critical conservation strategies to reduce such threats and enhance conservation of the nation's natural heritage.

  • Primary Partner: USAID/Pacific Islands
Women Leaders Forum (WLF) in Southeast Asia

Helped establish the WLF as an ongoing platform to build the capacity of women from throughout the Coral Triangle countries, particularly at the community level, to assume leadership roles to sustainably manage the area's coastal and marine resources.

  • Primary Partner: USAID/RDMA
Mitigating Infrastructure Impacts to Wildlife in the Mekong

Mitigated threats to imperiled species of fish and other aquatic organisms stemming from the construction of dams on the Mekong River. Provided training and technical assistance on fish migration, fish genetics, and fish passage to the Government of Laos.

  • Primary Partner: USAID/RDMA


DOI-ITAP Factsheet: U.S.-ASEAN Alliance for Protected Area Conservation

Strengthening Indonesia's Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas Factsheet

Marine and Coastal Conservation in Asia and the Pacific Islands Factsheet

The Laguna del Tigre “Shield”: Protecting the Maya Biosphere Reserve’s Economic Potential Factsheet

Making News: DOI in Indonesia's National Parks

Ancient Maya Altar Discovered in Guatemala Reveals Conquest Strategies, Reminiscent of ‘Game of Thrones’ News Bulletin

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