A Call to Action: 2016–2018 NISC Management Plan

Invasive species represent one of the most significant threats to ecosystems, human and animal health, infrastructure, the economy, and cultural resources. Alarmingly, the threat is growing. 

Climate change and the globalization of trade, travel, and transport are greatly increasing the number and type of species moved around the world, as well as the rate of movement. At the same time, changes in land use and climate are making some habitats more susceptible to the establishment of non-native species and may amplify the adverse impacts of biological invasion. 

In 1999, the National Invasive Species Council (NISC) was established to provide national leadership in addressing this threat. The Council recently adopted its 2016-2018 NISC Management Plan. The Plan sets forth high priority, interdepartmental actions for the Federal government and its partners to take to prevent, eradicate, and control invasive species, as well as restore ecosystems and other assets adversely impacted by invasive species. 

Over the next two years, the Plan will help guide the collective action of the thirteen Departments and Agencies whose senior officials comprise the Council. Together we will:

  • Provide Federal leadership on invasive species issues by establishing the structures, policy, and planning priorities necessary to enable Federal agencies to effectively prevent, eradicate, and/or control invasive species, as well as restore impacted ecosystems and other assets;
  • Limit the spread and impact of invasive species through high-level policy and planning by strengthening coordination between the United States and other governments, across the Federal government, and between the Federal government and non-governmental stakeholders;
  • Raise awareness of the invasive species issue and mobilize the policies, programs, and financial resources necessary to minimize the spread and impact of invasive species;
  • Remove institutional and policy barriers to the Federal actions needed to prevent, eradicate, and control invasive species, as well as restore ecosystems and other assets;
  • Conduct assessments of Federal capacities to meet the duties set forth in Executive Order 13112, as well as other high-level policy priorities, and build Federal capacities, as needed; and
  • Foster the scientific, technical, and programmatic innovation necessary to enable Federal agencies and their partners to prevent and mitigate the impacts of invasive species in a timely and cost-effective manner with negligible impacts to human and environmental health.

The NISC Management Plan is a call to collective action. It enables us to know where to place our priorities and where to invest in the future. The threats invasive species pose to American assets and security warrant an urgent response backed by the full commitment of NISC and its partners. 


Kristen J. Sarri
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Policy, Management and Budget
U.S. Department of the Interior

Robert Bonnie
Undersecretary for Natural Resources and the Environment
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Christine Blackburn
Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Management
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
