GAOA LRF Photo of the Week

The U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior) is working to rehabilitate assets on our nation’s public lands through the Great American Outdoors Act National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund (GAOA LRF). GAOA LRF projects and associated activities can be found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and multiple U.S. territories. Explore the GAOA LRF Photo of the Week below where a new photo and state is featured every week.

Photo of the Week: Monday, March 24, 2025

Maintenance Action Team at Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, Florida
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Two men stand on concrete porch to paint the exterior of white comfort station with green doors.
Maintenance Action Team (MAT) repaints the exterior of a comfort station at Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge.


Photo of the Week: Monday, March 17, 2025

Gooseberry Recreation Site Repairs
Wind River/Bighorn Basin District, Wyoming
Bureau of Land Management

Man in an orange construction shirt and hard hat stands to the side of construction machinery moving dirt.
Repairs underway to stabilize the nature trail and repair the boardwalk at Gooseberry Badlands Scenic Overlook Trail.  Photo Credit: BLM.


Photo of the Week: Monday, March 10, 2025

Maintenance Action Team at Camp Nelson National Monument
Camp Nelson National Monument, Kentucky
National Park Service

Construction workers in yellow vests repair wooden fence that runs alongside paved road.
Maintenance Action Team (MAT) repairs split-rail fence along main entrance road at Camp Nelson National Monument. Photo Credit: American Conservation Experience.


Photo of the Week: Monday, March 3, 2025

Restore Dorchester Monument and Hardscapes
Boston National Historical Park, Massachusetts
National Park Service

Aerial view of construction site surrounded by colorful buildings.
Aerial view of the construction staging area from the Dorchester Monument in Boston National Historical Park. Photo Credit: NPS staff. 


Color Country Recreation Sites, Maintenance and Repairs—Phase II
Color County District, Idaho
Bureau of Land Management

 Newly installed ramp and safety railings on canyon trail.
Newly installed metal safety railings and ramp at the South Fork Indian Creek Trail pictograph site. Photo Credit: BLM. 


Photo of the Week: Monday, February 17, 2025

Replace Headquarters Wastewater System
Glacier National Park, Montana
National Park Service

Wastewater system inside white room with concrete floor.
New wastewater lift station at Glacier National Park. The new system will help ensure park operations are more sustainable, safe, and efficient. Photo Credit: NPS staff.


Photo of the Week: Monday, February 10, 2025

Rehabilitate Water Management Infrastructure
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Exterior of one-story brown building with new siding.
Exterior of the Bear River Wildlife Education Center after a construction team replaced the roof and siding. Photo Credit: USFWS.


Photo of the Week: Monday, February 3, 2025

Maintenance Action Team at Navajo National Monument
Navajo National Monument, Arizona
National Park Service

Woman in white hard hat drills exterior of historic wooden housing structure.
A Maintenance Action Team (MAT) member repairs a historic Hogan that once housed Navajo National Monument’s first Navajo Ranger. Photo Credit: NPS staff. 


Photo of the Week: Monday, January 27, 2025

Sourdough Campground Bridge Replacement
Anchorage District, Alaska
Bureau of Land Management

Newly built concrete bridge crosses over dark river surrounded by snow.
New Sourdough Campground bridge, which has been expanded to accommodate the river floodway and provide a higher load rating better suited for campground visitors. Photo Credit: BLM.


Photo of the Week: Monday, January 20, 2025

Many Farms High School 
Navajo Region, Arizona
Bureau of Indian Education

Group of people in yellow construction vests and hard hats use shovels to break ground on dirt plot.
Students and staff celebrate groundbreaking of the renovation project at Many Farms High School campus. Photo Credit: BIA DFMC.


Photo of the Week: Monday, January 13, 2025

Maintenance Action Team at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Man in yellow construction vest drills yellow and black speed bump on paved road.
Maintenance Action Team (MAT) member installs speed bumps on the fee booth entry and exit lanes at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: USFWS.


Photo of the Week: Monday, January 6, 2025

Rehabilitate Building 643 (PE-643) for NPS Maintenance Operations
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California
National Park Service

Scaffolding surrounds the exterior of Building 643 under cloudy sky.
Rehabilitation of the historic Building 643 at Golden Gate National Recreation Area in progress. Photo Credit: NPS staff.


Photo of the Week: Monday, December 30

Correct Roof and Building Failures at HQ/Maintenance/Dispatch Complex 
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming 
National Park Service

Construction workers stand next to construction materials on roof with white mountains in the background.
Construction workers repair roof at headquarters buildings in Grand Teton National Park. Photo Credit: NPS.


Photo of the Week: Monday, December 23

Idaho Statewide Recreation Site Repair 
Boise District, Coeur d'Alene District, Idaho Falls District, Twin Falls District, Idaho 
Bureau of Land Management

Parking lot with smooth asphalt and bright blue handicap parking lines.
The parking lot at Pink House Recreation Site after the completion of a slurry seal and line painting project. Photo Credit: Joe O’Neill, BLM.


Photo of the Week: Monday, December 16

Restore Canal Prism and Historic Dry Stone Wall 
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Maryland
National Park Service

Yellow construction vehicle sites next to gray dry stone retaining wall next to river and greenery.
A construction vehicle works on repairs at the base of the historic dry stone retaining wall at Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. Photo Credit: NPS.


Photo of the Week: Monday, December 9

Replace, Repair, and Consolidate McGregor District Headquarters and Facilities 
Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge, Iowa 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

Construction site with brown dirt piles surrounded by grass and dark green trees in the background.
Footprint of the new McGregor District Multipurpose Building at Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge. Photo Credit: Kendra Pednault.


Photo of the Week: Monday, December 2

Stabilize Alcatraz Wharf 
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California 
National Park Service 

Two construction workers perform work on wharf with yellow construction vehicle and bright green shrubbery in the background.
Construction workers mixing grout to support stabilization of the Alcatraz Warf at Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Photo Credit: NPS.


Photo of the Week: Monday, November 25

Navajo – Education Demolition Project C 
Navajo Region, Arizona and New Mexico
Bureau of Indian Education

Orange construction vehicle demolishes gray brick facility building.
Construction vehicle demolishes deteriorating building at Nenahnezad Boarding School. Photo Credit: EQM Services. 


Photo of the Week: Monday, November 18

Maintenance Action Team at Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge
Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Three maintenance workers place tan, wooden boards across gap in the forest floor.
A GAOA LRF-funded Maintenance Action Team replaces a bridge deck at Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: USFWS. 


Photo of the Week: Monday, November 11

National Interagency Fire Center Campus Storm Drain Piping Replacement 
National Interagency Fire Center Campus, Idaho
Bureau of Land Management

A dirt ditch surrounded by construction materials with gray fencing in the background.
Storm drain infrastructure repairs in progress at the National Interagency Fire Center Campus. Photo Credit: BLM. 


Photo of the Week: Monday, November 4

Rehabilitate the Crane Flat Campground to Enhance the Visitor Experience
Yosemite National Park, California 
National Park Service

Gray gravel trail leads through camp site surrounded by tall, green trees.
Repaired campground with improved drainage at Crane Flat Campground in Yosemite National Park. Photo Credit: NPS.


Photo of the Week: Monday, October 28

Navajo – Education Demolition Project B 
Navajo Region, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah
Bureau of Indian Education

Black and yellow construction vehicle demolishes red brick building in construction area.
Construction vehicle demolishes deteriorating building at Beclabito Day School. Photo Credit: EQM Services. 


Photo of the Week: Monday, October 21

Maintenance Action Team at San Luis National Wildlife Refuge 
San Luis National Wildlife Refuge, California  
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Two yellow construction vehicles sloping dirt along a waterway.
A GAOA LRF-funded Maintenance Action Team re-slopes the A-Canal, one of the major waterways that carries water throughout San Luis National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: Trevor Morris.


Photo of the Week: Monday, October 14

Repair Dean Creek Cabana
Coos Bay District, Oregon
Bureau of Land Management

A construction worker removes a deteriorating wooden board on a brown observation deck.
A construction worker replaces the deteriorating observation deck at Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area. Photo Credit: BLM. 


Photo of the Week: Monday, October 7

Maintenance Action Team at Voyageurs National Park
Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota 
National Park Service

Two maintenance workers paint a white wooden facility green.
A GAOA LRF-funded Maintenance Action Team repaints the prepped building at Ovesons Fish Camp in Voyageurs National Park. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, September 30

Western – Education Demolition Project
Western Region, Arizona
Bureau of Indian Education

Excavator demolishes a building on a dirt plot at Hotevilla-Bacavi Community School.
GAOA LRF demolition work at Hotevilla-Bacavi Community School. Photo Credit: EQM Services


Photo of the Week: Monday, September 23

Maintenance Action Team at Fire Island National Seashore
Fire Island National Seashore, New York
National Park Service

 Construction worker faces a wall under repair surrounded by construction materials.
Maintenance Action Team repairs a wall in the Old Mastic House at William Floyd Estate, part of Fire Island National Seashore. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, September 16

Modernize Multiple Outdoor Recreational Access Facilities and Transportation Assets
Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Excavator sitting on a concrete boat launch moves large rocks surrounding the launch.
A construction worker repairs the Jacks Bay boat launch at Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: USFWS


Photo of the Week: Monday, September 9

Maupin Work Site—Phase III of III
Prineville District, Oregon
Bureau of Land Management

One-story green building sits on a rocky plot.
New housing building, which includes a kitchen, living area, rooms, and laundry, at the Maupin Work Site. Photo Credit: Morgan Rubanow, BLM


Photo of the Week: Monday, September 2

Rehabilitate Historic Belmont Paul House 
National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington DC
National Park Service

Yellow room in the historic Belmont Paul Hose with exhibits lining the walls.
Newly rehabilitated interior of the Historic Belmont Paul House at the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, August 26

Maintenance Action Team at Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge
Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge, Iowa
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Large black pump strapped onto a truck bed.
Delivery of a new pump for the Fox Pond at Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge. A Maintenance Action Team will replace the existing pump, allowing the refuge to manage over 1,100 acres of habitat for waterfowl of the Mississippi Flyway. Photo Credit: USFWS


Photo of the Week: Monday, August 19

Caballo-Cooke's Road Repairs 
Las Cruces District, New Mexico
Bureau of Land Management

A dirt road free of surface hazards winds through dry, hilly landscape.
Completed repairs of gravel road in Las Cruces District, which are natural surface roads providing access to radio and cell towers for multiple government agencies, private companies, and recreational access. Photo credit: BLM


Photo of the Week: Monday, August 12

Maintenance Action Team at Fort Larned National Historic Site
Fort Larned National Historic Site, Kansas
National Park Service

Construction worker sits on scaffolding against the roof of quarters building.
A Maintenance Action Team worker repairs the shingle roof of the commanding officer quarters at Fort Larned National Historic Site. Photo credit: NPS Staff


Photo of the Week: Monday, August 5

Wounded Knee District School Replacement
Wounded Knee District School, South Dakota
Bureau of Indian Education

Aerial 3D design rendering of Wounded Knee District School campus
Architectural rendering of design for the new Wounded Knee District School campus. Photo Credit: CO-OP Architecture


Photo of the Week: Monday, July 29

Complete Pavement Rehabilitation on High-Priority NPS Roads in Michigan
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan
National Park Service

Construction team in yellow vests repaves road
Construction team applies micro surfacing to the deteriorated pavement at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Photo Credit: Central Southern Construction


Photo of the Week: Monday, July 22

Replace Primary Boardwalk and Trail Bridge
Red River National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Construction worker stands at the end of new boardwalk base with lake in the background.
A construction team replaces 120-foot-long boardwalk on Lake Caroline at Red River National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: USFWS


Photo of the Week: Monday, July 15

Rehabilitate Ahwahnee Hotel and Correct Critical Safety Hazards
Yosemite National Park, California
National Park Service

Scaffolding surrounds the exterior of the Ahwahnee Hotel with Half Dome in the background.
Construction scaffolding on the exterior of the Historic Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Photo Credit: NPS Staff


Photo of the Week: Monday, July 8

Carbella Boat Ramp Repair
Western Montana District, Montana
Bureau of Land Management

Man stands on new concrete boat launch surrounded by dirt mounds.
Recently poured concrete for the new Carbella Boat Launch at Carbella Recreation Site, which serves as a primary takeout for white water rafting on the Yellowstone River. Photo Credit: Sean Clancy, BLM


Photo of the Week: Monday, July 1

Rehabilitate Terreplein and Related Levels at Fort Wood 
Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York
National Park Service

Aerial view of construction workers placing pavers on metal grating.
A construction team installs the first pavers on the terreplein at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Photo Credit: NPS Staff


Photo of the Week: Monday, June 24

Maintenance Action Team at Colorado National Monument
Colorado National Monument, Colorado
National Park Service

Men in construction hats build delineation walls on canyon trail surrounded by bushes.
Western Colorado Conservation Corps members work alongside a Maintenance Action Team to build delineation walls on Canyon Rim Trail. Photo Credit: N. Sparks


Photo of the Week: Monday, June 17

Fort Egbert National Historic Landmark Repairs 
Fort Egbert National Historic Landmark, Alaska
Bureau of Land Management

Man in yellow construction suit replaces wooden boards on the side of a barn.
A construction worker replaces rotten boards with new siding on the mule barn at Fort Egbert National Historic Landmark. Photo Credit: BLM/Stuart Mitchell


Photo of the Week: Monday, June 10

Many Farms High School
Navajo Region, Arizona
Bureau of Indian Education

Aerial 3D design rendering of Many Farms High School campus.
Architectural rendering of design development intent for the new Many Farms High School campus. Photo Credit: Seven Generations Architecture & Engineering


Photo of the Week: Monday, June 3

Rehabilitate the Multipurpose Administration and Visitor Facility 
Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge, Vermont
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Orange ladder sits next to a heat exchanger system in a utility room.
Replacement of the geothermal-to-chilled water heat exchanger in the Headquarters Building at Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. This project will address excessive condensation and leak issues that damaged mechanical room equipment. Photo Credit: USFWS


Photo of the Week: Monday, May 27

South Unit Scenic Loop Slide Repair
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
National Park Service

Wooden wall sits against a dirt road that winds through a hilly landscape. Construction materials sit on the other side of the wall.
Construction of soldier pile retaining wall at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. This is one of seven walls under construction to prevent future landslides and protect the South Unit Loop Road.
Construction of soldier pile retaining wall at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. This is one of seven walls under construction to prevent future landslides and protect the South Unit Loop Road. Photo Credit: NPS Staff


Photo of the Week: Monday, May 20

Burns Junction Fire Station Repair and Renovation
Burns Junction Fire Station, Oregon
Bureau of Land Management

Wooden frame of barracks building under construction.
A construction team builds the frame of the new Burns Junction Fire Station housing facility. The new facility will be ADA accessible with 12 bedrooms, a living room, a dining area, and a kitchen. Photo Credit: Vale BLM/Cavanaugh Soules


Photo of the Week: Monday, May 13

Maintenance Action Team at Antietam National Battlefield
Antietam National Battlefield, Maryland
National Park Service

Yellow house with green trim and new roof on a grass lawn.
Historic Piper House at Antietam National Battlefield after a Maintenance Action Team completed work on the exterior. Photo Credit: NPS Staff


Photo of the Week: Monday, May 6

Consolidate and Modernize Public Use Facilities and Improve Recreational Access
Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Aerial view of Seney National Wildlife Refuge construction site.
Aerial view of project construction site at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Contractors are constructing the replacement Visitor Center and Administration Building foundation, replacing the entrance road, and constructing the parking lot, curbs, sidewalks, and shoreline armoring. Photo Credit: USFWS


Photo of the Week: Monday, April 29

Navajo - Education Demolition Project a
Navajo Region, Arizona/New Mexico
Bureau of Indian Education

Three excavators demolish building on dirt plot at T’iis Nazbas Community School.
Aerial view of Building 656 demolition at T’iis Nazbas Community School. Photo Credit: EQMS, Roynell Benally


Photo of the Week: Monday, April 22

Rehabilitate Texas White House
Lyndon B Johnson National Historical Park, Texas
National Park Service

Group of people holding shovels pose together in front of newly renovated house.
Staff from the park, regional office, design team, and construction team celebrate groundbreaking of the rehabilitation project at Lyndon B Johnson National Historical Park. Photo Credit: Douglas Smith


Photo of the Week: Monday, April 15

Meadowood Repairs
Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area, Virginia
Bureau of Land Management

Excavator pulls up dirt in wooded area surrounded by temporary fencing.
An excavator removing dirt and debris from the creek bed on Wood Thrush Loop. Photo Credit: Charles Cate, BLM Park Ranger.
An excavator removing dirt and debris from the creek bed on Wood Thrush Loop. Photo Credit: Charles Cate/BLM Park Ranger


Photo of the Week: Monday, April 8

Modernize Infrastructure to Improve Waterfowl Hunting Areas and Improve Recreational Access
Camas National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Black impervious lining covers shallow path through a dry landscape.
In-progress installation of water distribution system liners, which is one aspect of the overall water control system at Camas National Wildlife Refuge. The placement of impervious ditch liners in the water transport corridors will enable the Refuge to improve wildlife habitat and focus limited water resources to better support migrating wildlife through sustainable seasonal wetlands. Photo Credit: USFWS/GES


Photo of the Week: Monday, April 1

Rehabilitate Schoodic Point Water and Wastewater Systems
Acadia National Park, Maine
National Park Service

Construction crew drills a hole along a cement road to install a water line.
A contractor installs insulated waterline connecting the well house to the existing water main on Schoodic Loop Road in Acadia National Park. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, March 25

Boise District Road Repairs
Boise District, Idaho
Bureau of Land Management

Dirt road cleared of surface hazards winds through dry, hilly landscape.
Boise District Road after elimination of road surface hazards. Photo credit: Daylon Dubkowski/BLM


Photo of the Week: Monday, March 18

Consolidate and Modernize Public Use Facilities and Improve Recreational Access
Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Building frame sits on rocky ground surrounded by construction equipment.
Construction crew completes structural framing on the Maintenance/Fire Cache building at Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: USFWS


Photo of the Week: Monday, March 11

Foothills Parkway Rehabilitation
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee
National Park Service

 Excavator sits on dirt pullout along paved road, trees line the backgrouns
In-progress photo of resetting of the stone curb along a pullout on Foothills Parkway in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Photo Credit: NPS
In-progress photo of resetting of the stone curb along a pullout on Foothills Parkway in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, March 4

Rehabilitate Headquarters East Water System and Moraine Park Campground Electrical Distribution
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
National Park Service

Concrete water tank sits in a dirt hole surrounded by temporary orange fencing.
Construction on a water tank at the Moraine Park Campground in Rocky Mountain National Park. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, February 26

Punta Gorda Light Station Rehabilitation
Punta Gorda Light Station, California
Bureau of Land Management

A small white building sits on a brown sandy cliff with the blue ocean in the background
The historic Punta Gorda oil house after completing structural repairs and repainting to maintain historic character and features. Photo Credit: Mark Stransky 


Photo of the Week: Monday, February 19

Replace Laurel Fork Bridge
Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina
National Park Service

Demolition team clearing the concrete railings of the Laurel Fork Bridge
Demolition of the existing Laurel Fork Bridge on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, February 12

Modernize Outdoor Recreational Facilities and Address Public Safety Issues
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Bunkhouse with plywood siding painted red and green roof.
Newly painted bunkhouse with plywood siding at Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Credit: USFWS


Photo of the Week: Monday, February 5

Rehabilitate and Repair Structures and Landscapes
Minute Man National Historical Park, Massachusetts
National Park Service

Construction crew repairs the roof of the historic George Hall House at Minute Man National Park.
Construction crew repairs the roof of the historic George Hall House at Minute Man National Park. Photo Credit: NPS


Photo of the Week: Monday, January 29

Navajo - Education Demolition Project C
Navajo Region, Arizona/New Mexico
Bureau of Indian Education

Workers remove the windows of a dormitory in the Navajo region
Workers remove the windows of a dormitory in the Navajo region. Photo Credit: EQMS Superintendent Frelando Reeder


Photo of the Week: Monday, January 22

Grub Dam Rehabilitation
Grub Dam, Montana
Bureau of Land Management

Contractors place new concrete outlet pipes at Grub Dam
Contractors make progress on the Grub Dam rehabilitation project by placing new concrete outlet pipes and cementing them in place. More pipe and cement work will extend the width of the dam, providing an upstream-to-downstream flow route. Photo Credit: Gina Baltrusch/BLM


Photo of the Week: Tuesday, January 16

Rehabilitate Historic Main Parade Ground Barracks Building, Parking Areas, and Pathways for Visitor and Tenant Use
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Washington
National Park Service

Construction of new sidewalks and curbs at Fort Vancouver National
Construction crew member finishes new sidewalks and curbs around the historic Vancouver Barracks at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Photo Credit: Bill Persons
Construction crew member finishes new sidewalks and curbs around the historic Vancouver Barracks at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Photo Credit: Bill Persons


Photo of the Week: Monday, January 8

Improve Resilience and Modernize Flood Damaged Buildings & Recreational Assets
Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge, South Dakota
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The front entrance of the new office at Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge.
The front entrance of the new office at Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge. Construction crews installed the metal roof, skylights, and windows, and installation of new siding is underway. Photo Credit: RJS Construction


Photo of the Week: Tuesday, January 2

Replace the Yellowstone River Bridge
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
National Park Service

Yellow construction machinery at work to build the foundation of the new bridge
Workers build the foundation of the new Yellowstone River bridge on the east side of the river at Yellowstone National Park. Photo Credit: Dan Rhodes, Yellowstone National Park

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