U.S. Government Publishing Office Procurement Vehicles

The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) offers their customer agencies several procurement vehicles to satisfy all of their publishing requirements.


Small Purchases - GPO written, procured through a negotiated contracting process, awarded and administered contracts where the aggregate amount does not exceed $100,000. The procurement process typically requires 1 to 5 days to procure and award. The contract is not contractually binding until the vendor starts production.

One Time Bids - GPO written, procured through a formal bidding process known as sealed bidding, invitation for bids (IFB), awarded and administered contracts with no dollar limit. The number of potential suppliers invited to bid shall depend upon the value and complexity of the procurement, any supplier may submit a bid outside of the notified bidders list. Bids are opened publicly at a designated hour and date. The procurement process typically requires 7 to 15 days to procure and award. The contract is binding upon issuing a Purchase Order by GPO.

Term Contracts - GPO written, procured and administered contracts with no dollar limit when repetitive orders are anticipated for a product or service over a period of time. Each contract is supplemented by individual Print Orders, which are usually issued to the contractor directly by the agency.

The contracts are on an annual term (fixed period of time) for the production of printed material with the government option to extend the contract for an additional year for up to 4 additional years after the first year (5-year maximum contract). The contract can consist of long runs, short runs, or a combination of run lengths. Some have one product, others have a wide range of products. The bidder must complete a schedule of line item prices based on the government basis of award estimates.

There are two basic types of term contracts, a Single Award and a Multiple Award. A Single Award term contract program, designated by the letter "S" after the program number (i.e., 3802-S), is awarded to one vendor who must produce all of the orders required under the program on the schedule detailed in the specifications. A Multiple Award term contract program, designated by the letter "M" after the program number (i.e., 17-M), is awarded to several qualified vendors who bid (the volume, production schedule, or number of orders prevents the work from being efficiently produced by any one source).

Most Multiple Award term contract programs allow the printer to bid on any or all items listed in the specifications. Prices for each order are calculated from the bid prices, and the order is placed with the bidder whose prices are lowest for that order. If the lowest bidder is unable to produce the order on the desired schedule, GPO offers the job to the second lowest bidder, then the third lowest, and so on, until it finds a printer who can meet the schedule. If the third lowest printer accepts the job, the printer is paid at their bid price, not the low bid price.

• Simplified Purchase Agreements - Simplified Purchase Agreements (SPAs) are a type of Blanket Purchasing Agreement, under which a number of different printers can submit price quotes to do specific types of work. Individual work orders written, procured and administered by the customer agency for orders which will not exceed $10,000 for printed products or related services.

Instead of submitting line item prices, the printer certifies that whatever price it charges for the work will be equal to or less than the most favorable price it gives to any other customer. Agency personnel call the printers for pricing on each job. Orders on the SPAs are placed directly with the printer by the agency. The agency, not GPO, interfaces with the printer. The agency does not have to make the award to the lowest priced supplier on the SPA, but can make the award based on "best value," under which it can consider quality, service, price, and other factors. Invoicing is sent to GPO, and is paid by GPO, the same as existing GPO contracts. Most SPA quotes are taken over the telephone or by fax, the same as GPO small purchases.

GPOExpress - Is a nationwide GPO convenience contract with FedEx Kinko's that allows Department employees with a GPOExpress card to walk into any FedEx Kinko's Office and Print Center, day or night, including weekends, and obtain small printing services at GPO negotiated rates.


The U.S. Department of the Interior Service Guide for GPOExpress prescribes the procedures Department bureaus and offices shall follow to obtain printing services available through this program:


The Department of the Interior Publishing Council

May 2007

  • U.S. Department of the Interior GPOExpress Program Participation

DI Form 3001

[no date]



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