Safety Managers' Responsibilities

The Safety Manager - the individual who is managing and providing oversight of the safety program - is the bureau's point of contact for the bureaus safety program, and performs the following functions:

  • Provides appropriate safety and health, accident prevention, and investigation training for managers and supervisors.

  • Assists management in the annual inspection of workplaces to assure safe and healthful conditions for workers. Prepares appropriate notices for management to issue for abatement of any identified hazards.

  • Provides promotional materials and develops and administers recognition systems to promote safe and healthful work performance.

  • Assists management and supervisors in investigating accidents and developing measures to prevent recurrences.

  • Supports the Safety Management Information System (SMIS) by recording all accident reports in a timely, complete, and accurate manner.

  • Assures that claims for injuries and illnesses posted in SMIS are posted in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration log.

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