Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Subsistence Regional Advisory Council to meet by teleconference

The Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional Advisory Council will hold a public meeting on May 3, 2018 via teleconference, to develop recommendations to the Federal Subsistence Board (Board) on Fisheries temporary special action requests FSA18-01 and FSA18-03. 

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Eva Patton, Council Coordinator
(907) 786-3358 or (800) 478-1456

Temporary Special Action Request FSA18-01, submitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge), requests the following from the Board:

  • Close Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River drainage to the harvest of Chinook Salmon except by Federally qualified subsistence users beginning June 12, 2018, and lasting until August 30, 2018, unless the Federal in-season manager re-opens Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River drainage to the harvest of Chinook Salmon by non-Federally qualified users, or when superseded by subsequent special actions, and
  • Reduce the pool of eligible harvesters based on the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) Section 804 Subsistence User Prioritization that was implemented in 2017.

Temporary Special Action Request FSA18-03, submitted by the Akiak Native Community, requests the following from the Board:

  • Close Federal public waters of the Kuskokwim River drainage to the harvest of Chinook Salmon except by Federally qualified subsistence users possessing a community harvest permit between May 20, 2018 and July 1, 2018,
  • Reduce the pool of eligible harvesters based on the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) Section 804 Subsistence User Prioritization that was implemented in 2017, and
  • Establish a harvest allocation of Chinook Salmon similar to what was implemented in 2015.

The teleconference will begin at 10:00 a.m. on May 3, 2018. The public is invited to attend and participate in this meeting. To teleconference into this meeting, dial toll-free (866) 864-5314 (passcode: 3091862).

Individuals or agencies planning to present comments on this special action request should contact the Council Coordinator, Eva Patton, at the phone number or email address listed above, in advance of the teleconference.

Additional information on FSA18-01 and FSA18-03 can be found on the Federal Subsistence Management Program’s website at https://www.doi.gov/subsistence/fisheries-special-actions.

The Federal Subsistence Board is committed to providing access to this meeting for all participants. Please direct requests for accommodation needs to the Office of Subsistence Management at (800) 478-1456 or (907) 786-3888 or by e-mail, subsistence@fws.gov at least seven business days prior to the meeting.

Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.

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