Under Authority of: 36 CFR 242.10 and .19
50 CFR 100.10 and .19
Emergency Special Action No: 9-SS-02-19 Issued at: Kodiak, Alaska, September 19, 20 I9
Effective Date: 12:01 pm, Noon September 19
Expiration Date October 19 11:59 pm, unless superseded by subsequent special action.
EXPLANATION: This Emergency Special Action closes all Federal public waters at the mouth of the Buskin River in the Kodiak District to fishing for Coho Salmon. This closure prohibits all fishing for Coho Salmon by all users and they may not be retained or possessed. Coho Salmon accidentally caught while fishing for other species many not be removed from the water and must be released immediately. This closure is to protect the viability of the Coho Salmon run.
REGULATION: 36 CFR 242.27(e)(9) and 50 CFR 100.27(e)(9) and 50 CFR Part 100.27
(E)(9)(iii)(B) are amended to read: Federal public waters of Chiniak Bay west of a line from Cliff Point (57' 43.51'N. latitude, 152' 26.60 W. longitude) to a point near Gibson Cove (57' 46.62' N. latitude, 152' 26.80' W. longitude) are closed to the take of Coho Salmon by all users; effective at 12:01 noon on Thursday, September 19, 2019 until 11:59 p.m. October 19, 2019, unless superseded by a subsequent Federal special action.
Federal Subsistence Board by delegation to·
Michael Brady Refuge Manager
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge September 17, 2019
JUSTIFICATION: The biological escapement goal range for Coho Salmon in the Buskin Drainage is 4,700 to 9,600 fish. As of September 16, the cumulative weir count for Coho Salmon is 195 fish. Historically, by this date, approximately 52 percent (2,444) of Coho Salmon have passed the weir.
Through Section 816(b) of ANILCA, this Emergency Special Action (9-SS-09-19) closes fishing for Coho Salmon in the Federal public water s of the Buskin Drainage and identified marine waters under Federal subsistence fisheries jurisdiction due to concerns about the viability of the population.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has closed the adjacent commercial salmon fisheries, closed the subsistence fishery targeting Buskin River Coho Salmon return, and restricted the sport fishery.
This Emergency Special Action: I) falls within the geographic and regulatory scope of delegation; 2) is needed immediately; and 3) is likely to achieve desired results.
This action was taken in consultation with Alaska Department of Fish and Game fishery managers. The Kodiak/ Aleutian Regional Advisory Council representatives have been notified and consulted. Potential impacts to all subsistence users were considered, the public announcement made in a timely manner, and this action is reasonable, rational, and responsible.
DISTRIBUTION: Local radio station, Kodiak Daily Mirror, ADF&G Sport and Commercial Fishery Divisions, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Afognak Native Corp., Kodiak/Aleutians Regional Advisory Council, Kodiak ADF&G Advisory Committee, Federal Subsistence Board, Alaska Board of Fisheries, Federal and State enforcement personnel.
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