Selections Made for the 2024 Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program

For Immediate Release:
April 10, 2023
The Office of Subsistence Management is pleased to announce seven new and continuing partnerships with Bristol Bay Native Association, Hoonah Indian Association, Native Village of Eyak, Native Village of Napaimute, Orutsararmiut Native Council, Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska, and Yakutat Tlingit Tribe through the Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program. Beginning in 2024, the Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program will provide funding for a biologist or outreach coordinator position in each organization with the intent of increasing their abilities to participate in Federal subsistence fisheries management. In addition, the funding will allow the organizations to support a variety of opportunities for local rural students to connect with subsistence resource monitoring and management through science camps and paid internships.
Last edited 04/10/2023
Contact Information
Karen Hyer
(907) 786-3689

The Office of Subsistence Management is adjusting the Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program funding opportunity schedule and will begin offering opportunities for funding every two years instead of the current notice of funding every four years.   

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NR Partners For Fisheries Monitoring Program 2024 [pdf]


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