Acting Secretary David Bernhardt Schedule February 19, 2019 - February 24, 2019

Last edited 09/29/2021

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

  • 8:50am – Staff Brief
  • 9:00am – External Call/Intergovernmental
  • 10:00am – Staff Meeting
  • 11:15am – Weekly Brown-Bag Check-in
  • 12:30pm – External Meeting/Intergovernmental
  • 2:00pm – Staff Meeting
  • 3:00pm – Assistant Secretaries Weekly Meeting
  • 4:00pm – DOI Operations Meeting
  • 5:00pm – DOI Operations Meeting

Wednesday, February 20, 2019  

  • Travel Day — Atlanta

Thursday, February 21, 2019

  • 9:00am – Daily Check-In
  • 9:50am – Staff Brief
  • 10:00am – External Meeting/Intergovernmental
  • 12:15pm – Lunch/External/Intergovernmental
  • 2:00pm – Media
  • 2:30pm – Staff Meeting
  • 2:45pm – Staff Meeting
  • 3:00pm – Staff Meeting
  • 5:00pm – External Reception/Intergovernmental

Friday, February 22, 2019

  • 9:00am – Daily Check-In
  • 10:00am – Staff Meeting
  • 11:00am – External Meeting/Intergovernmental
  • 1:00pm – DOI Operations Meeting
  • 2:05pm – Staff Brief
  • 2:15pm – External Meeting/Intergovernmental
  • 2:45pm – Weekly Staff Meeting
  • 3:45pm – Bi-Weekly Meeting with the Inspector General
  • 4:30pm – Weekly Meeting with Ethics
  • 5:00pm – Staff Meeting
  • 5:30pm – Staff Meeting

Sunday, February 24, 2019

  • 7:00am – Western Governors Association Annual Breakfast Meeting (or External Event/Intergovernmental)
  • 9:45am – Staff Brief
  • 10:15am – External Meeting/Intergovernmental
  • 11:15am – Staff Brief
  • 11:30am – External Meeting/Intergovernmental
  • 6:00pm – White House Governors Dinner (or External Event/Intergovernmental)

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