Secretary Haaland Meets with Tribal, Local Leaders Regarding Conservation Efforts in Southern Nevada

Last edited 09/07/2022

Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022


LAUGHLIN, Nev. — Today Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland visited public lands in southern Nevada to meet with Tribal and local community leaders and to experience the landscape that is considered sacred by several Tribal nations, including the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe.

Secretary Haaland, Congresswoman Susie Lee, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Laura Daniel-Davis, and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nevada State Director Jon Raby met with members of the Fort Mojave Tribal Council to tour an area in the Mojave Desert known as Avi Kwa Ame, or Spirit Mountain. The area is the place of origin for the ten Yuman speaking Tribes.

Today, the mountain and the surrounding landscape continue to serve as a place for the Tribes to practice their religion and culture. Spirit Mountain was designated a Traditional Cultural Property on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999 in recognition of its religious and cultural importance.

During the visit, the group witnessed the rich biological diversity from the region, including some of the largest Joshua Trees in Nevada. The public lands also provide a wide variety of recreational experiences to the public, including hiking and birding.

Secretary Haaland also visited the BLM-managed Walking Box Ranch, the former home of silent movie stars Clara Bow and Rex Bell, where she met with local Tribal leaders, elected officials and interested stakeholders to hear about their shared vision to conserve the ecological, cultural, historical and natural integrity of the landscape for present and future generations.



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