Bureau of Reclamation EEO Counselors

Denver/Washington Office
Email:  sha-dro-CROGEN@usbr.gov to be assigned a Counselor.

Courtney Emmerich
EEO Complaints Manager
(Remote Employee)
Office: (720) 882-6741
Address: Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 67
Denver, CO 80225 
Email: cemmerich@usbr.gov

Mark Soden
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Email: MSoden@usbr.gov

Taylor Talbert
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Email: TTalbert@usbr.gov

Sara Whitney
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Email: SWhitney@usbr.gov

California Great Basin – Sacramento, CA

LaQuita Wallace
EEO Manager
Office: 916-978-5572
Federal Office Building
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825

Theresa Sanchez
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Office: 916-978-5573

Missouri Basin – Billings, MT

Timmothy Coplin
EEO Manager
(Remote Employee)
Office: 406-247-7622
Address: 2021 4th Ave N.
Billings, MT 59101 
Email: TCoplin@usbr.gov

Josh Larson
EEO Specialist/Counselor

Jan Gerber
EEO Assistant
Office: 406-247-7631
Email: JRGerber@usbr.gov

Lower Colorado Basin – Boulder City, NV

Brittany Johnson 
EEO Manager
Office: 702-293-8493
Address: 500 Date St 61470
Boulder City, NV 89006-1470
Email: BJohnson@usbr.gov

Yvette Scott- Butler
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Office: 702-293-8611
Email: YScottbutler@usbr.gov

Brittany McAleese
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Office: 928-343-8282
Email: BMcaleese@usbr.gov

Larry Wallace
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Office: 702-540-6203
Email: LBWallace@usbr.gov

Yolanda Veracruz
EEO Specialist/Counselor
Office: 702-293-8587
Email: YVeracruz@usbr.gov

Upper Colorado Basin – Salt Lake City, UT

Vacant – Contact Denver/Washington Office for assistance

Columbia Pacific Northwest – Boise, ID

Vacant – Contact Denver/Washington Office for assistance

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