Section 114-60.6 -- Identification of Personal Property

Section Subject
114-60.600 Government Ownership Identification Markings
114-60.601 Exemption
114-60.602 Assignment and Display of Property Numbers
114-60.603 Items Requiring Special Identification



114-60.600 -- Government Ownership Identification Markings

Non-expendable Government property except that exempted by IPMD 114-60.601, shall be marked to identify it as Government-owned. Marking shall consist of the name or initials of the owning bureau or office, preceded by the initials "U.S." Motor vehicles shall be marked in accordance with FPMR and IPMD requirements.

114-60.601 -- Exemption

  1. Very small, or delicate apparatus, which cannot be marked without damage to the property, is exempted from marking or numbering. However, the numbers assigned to items of system-controlled property exempted in accordance with this section, shall be recorded on the property accountability records. (see Subpart 114-60.2.)
  2. Because permanent marking of museum property is potentially damaging, items in museum collections are exempted from the marking requirements of this Subpart. Bureaus/offices having museum collections will develop and implement procedures for identification of museum collections.

114-60.602 -- Assignment and Display of Property Numbers

Each item of system-controlled property shall be assigned and marked with an identifying property number.

114-60.603 -- Items Requiring Special Identification

The following items of property shall display special identification:

  1. Motor vehicles. Motor vehicles shall display prescribed identification markings, in addition to the requirements of IPMD 114-60.602, except when exempted in accordance with existing FMR and Departmental regulations.
  2. Livestock. Livestock shall be marked through branding, tagging, tattooing, to indicate Government ownership.
  3. Watercraft. Watercraft shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of IPMD 114-60.600 or IPMD 114-60.602.

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