Secretary Salazar Receives Governor Togiola


On Wednesday, July 29, 2009, Secretary Salazar welcomed to the Department of the Interior American Samoa Governor Togiola Tulafono and a delegation.  The Governor and officials from American Samoa had come to deliver a petition to the Secretary for President Obama requesting intervention in application in American Samoa of the minimum-wage law which the petition claims is hurting the economy.

The Governor and his delegation also met separately with the Assistant Secretary-designate for Insular Areas, Tony Babauta and the Director of the Office of Insular Affairs Nikolao Pula, and staff.

Secretary Salazar and OIA Staff

The Governor was accompanied by several American Samoan Government officials and a private citizen:  President of the Senate Gaoteote Palaie Tofau, Speaker of the House Savali Talavou Ale, Secretary of Samoan Affairs Tufele Li'amatua, Eastern District Governor Misa'alefua John Hudson, local business owner Carlos Sanchez, staffer Jacinta Galeai, and special assistant Alapati Fano.


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