Office of Insular Affairs NEPA Documentation

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), signed into law on January 1, 1970, set forth a national environmental policy for the United States with the intent to ensure that Federal agencies consider environmental consequences of their actions and to inform the public about their decision making. The NEPA applies to all major federal actions, including awarding funds to applicants for federal assistance. The Office of Insular Affairs uses the NEPA process to make decisions on whether to fund projects. In the case of discretionary grants under the TAP, MAP, and CRNR programs, the NEPA review must be completed before any funding can be released, or an Authorization to Proceed has been issued.

For more information on the NEPA, visit the Council for Environmental Quality.

You may also wish to visit the Department of the Interior’s Office of Environmental Policy Compliance – NEPA and Environmental Coordination Division.

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