Mar. 19, 2024 – On Demand, Custom, Topographic Maps for the Territories – the USGS topoBuilder


March 19, 2024 – On Demand, Custom, Topographic Maps with topoBuilder

The U.S. Geological Survey’s topoBuilder application enables users to create custom topographic maps on demand using the best available National Map data. In topoBuilder, users can generate topographic maps, called OnDemand Topos, centered anywhere in the United States or territories, with various customization options and export formats (GeoTIFF or geospatial PDF). Currently, two map types are available, the 7.5-Minute Topo (1:24,000-scale for the conterminous United States and Hawaii, 1:20,000-scale for U.S. territories, and 1:25,000-scale for Alaska) and the 100K Topo (1:100,000-scale nationally). Future releases are planned for additional customizations such as user-added content, geospatial data exports, and additional map scales. The topoBuilder application, customization options, and OnDemand Topo maps will be demonstrated.  The application is available at topoBuilder (

  • Video presentation here

Contact: Brigitta Urban_Mathieux, Federal Liaison, User Engagement,



Feed back re: Inquiry on American Samoa

2022 NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: Tutuila, American Samoa Point Cloud files with Orthometric Vertical Datum American Samoa Vertical Datum of 2002 (ASVD02) using GEOID12B

Potree Viewer - NOAA Lidar

USGS National Map

From the USGS National Map (TNM) there are basemaps available from TNM Services and TNM Download v2. You can preview that data in the The National Map - Advanced Viewer — Link to Tutuila Island.

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