Secretary Haaland Visits Offshore Wind Facilities, Highlights Clean Energy Progress in Aberdeen

Last edited 11/03/2021

Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021


ABERDEEN — Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland visited several sites related to offshore wind today in Aberdeen, where she met with government, industry and organization representatives from the U.K. and discussed the Biden-Harris administration’s goals to accelerate a robust, sustainable clean energy economy.

As part of the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind energy by 2030, Interior is making significant progress to spur responsible offshore development, which is driving the creation of a robust U.S. domestic supply chain and a resilient clean energy economy.

“The 21st century challenge of climate change requires 21st century solutions. Clean energy is one solution to ensuring a healthy planet for current and future generations,” said Secretary Deb Haaland. “As we in the United States work to harness the power of offshore wind to create a clean energy economy, it’s important to talk with and learn from other nations who have paved the way. We look forward to continuing to strengthen and expand our global ties with other regulators in this sector as we create a clean energy economy for generations to come.”

Ahead of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, Secretary Haaland visited the Kincardine Offshore Floating Wind Farm — the largest floating wind project in the world — which was completed earlier this year. She and representatives from Kincardine Offshore Wind discussed offshore wind farm operations and community investment through offshore wind development, including local development in and around Aberdeen Harbor, and other topics related to floating wind technology.

Secretary Haaland also visited the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, where they discussed offshore wind farm operations, research and environmental monitoring at the site, as well as how projects like these fit into the larger green energy transition in Scotland. While touring the Centre, Secretary Haaland met with local representatives of ORE Catapult and Scottish Enterprise.

In addition, she visited the Peterhead Power Station and the Port of Peterhead, where Secretary Haaland met with company and industry representatives to view port operations and discuss technology options that can contribute to the clean energy economy. Discussions at the port included port officials’ perspectives on future economic opportunities for the area given anticipated growth of the offshore wind sector in Scotland.

Today’s visits precede the Secretary’s first COP26 event tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. ET/ 1:30 p.m. GMT. Secretary Haaland will be joined by international colleagues at the “Expanding Global Wind Ambition in Pursuit of a Clean Energy” to showcase U.S. and international commitments toward a global challenge for accelerating offshore wind development to reduce carbon emissions, promote economic growth in the clean energy sector and keep 1.5 degrees of global warming within reach.

In addition, on November 5, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Amanda Lefton will join other leaders in the world’s clean energy efforts for an event on “Climate-Smart MSP for the Offshore Renewable Energy Industry.” Director Lefton will discuss how Marine Spatial Planning can help meet clean energy and conservation goals while still meeting the needs of other ocean users and protecting biodiversity.

Both events will be livestreamed on the U.S. Center YouTube channel.


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