2019 Yukon River Fall Salmon Fishery News Release #2 Coastal District and Districts 1-3 Subsistence Fishing Schedule

Districts Affected: Lower Yukon Area

The 2019 fall chum salmon preseason run projection, based on the summer chum to fall chum salmon relationship, is for a run size of 625,000 fall chum salmon with a range of 500,000 to 750,000 fish. Run sizes within this range are expected to provide for escapement and subsistence use needs. In accordance with the Yukon River Drainage Fall Chum Salmon Management Plan, a threshold run size of 550,000 fish is necessary to open a fall chum salmon directed commercial fishery. Commercial fishing would be allowed on the surplus above that level.

Last edited 01/25/2022
Contact Information

Jeff Estensen, Area Management Biologist

Christy Gleason, Asst. Area Management Biologist

ADF&G, Upper Yukon Area Office

(907) 459-7274

Fred Bue, Yukon Area Inseason Manager

Fairbanks Fish and Wildlife Field Office

Phone: (907) 455-1849 or (800) 267-3997

Toll free fishing schedule hotline: (866) 479-7387

Fishing schedule hotline in Fairbanks: 459-7387

Consistent with transitioning to fall season management, the following management actions will occur in the Lower Yukon Area districts:

Coastal District

The Coastal District will transition to fall season management with subsistence fishing remaining open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week with 7.5-inch or smaller mesh gillnets.

District 1

Effective 2:00 a.m. Tuesday, July 16, subsistence fishing will be open for the fall season for 24 hours a day, 7 days per week except for 12 hours before, during, and 12 hours after each commercial fishing period. Subsistence fishermen may use 7.5-inch or smaller mesh gillnets.

District 2

Effective 12:01 a.m. Friday, July 19, subsistence fishing in District 2 will be open for the fall season for 24 hours a day, 7 days per week except for 12 hours before, during, and 12 hours after each commercial fishing period. Subsistence fishermen may use 7.5-inch or smaller mesh gillnets.

District 3

Effective 12:01 a.m. Sunday, July 21, subsistence fishing in District 3 will be open for the fall season 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Subsistence fishermen may use 7.5-inch or smaller mesh gillnets.

During subsistence salmon fishing closures, only gillnets with 4-inch or smaller mesh may be used to target non-salmon species.

News releases and fishery information will be shared on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/YukonRiverFishingADFG

The Emmonak ADF&G office will stand by on VHF channel 7A.

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