With Distance in His Eyes: The Environmental Life and Legacy of Stewart Udall

Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building, Rachel Carson Room
One of America's most significant architects of the modern environmental movement, Stewart Udall served as the U.S. Secretary of the Interior under presidents Kennedy and Johnson. During these eight years, this progressive Mormon from rural Arizona ushered in unprecedented conservation and outdoor recreation legislation. Learn about some of these achievements during this special author talk with Scott Einberger, Environmental Historian. Book signing and sales will directly follow presentation.

Special Assistance - For those in need of special assistance (such as an interpreter for the hearing impaired) or inquiries regarding the accessible entrance, please notify museum staff at (202) 208-4743 in advance of the program. Special needs will be accommodated whenever possible.

Building Access - All adults must present a valid photo ID to enter the building. All visitors will be subject to security screenings, including bag and parcel checks.

Location - The Rachel Carson Room is located next to the basement cafeteria of the Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC, 20240. The Sidney R Yates Auditorium is located inside the C Street Lobby. 
Diana Warring

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