

Photo: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement

Red circle image representing energy.The energy used to power America’s economy comes from diverse sources, both foreign and domestic.  These sources include fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal, as well as nuclear energy and renewable sources such as hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels.  The U.S. produces enough domestic energy to provide for 84% of its demand, but continues to rely on foreign energy, primarily oil, to make up the difference.

Federal lands and offshore areas are key components of the U.S. energy strategy that increases production of natural gas and oil, makes renewable energy a priority, creates jobs, and reduces dependence on foreign oil.  As the manager of one-fifth of the nation’s landmass and 1.7 billion acres off its shores, the U.S. Department of the Interior provides 30 percent of our nation’s domestically produced energy.  Interior is creating a new energy frontier – one that responsibly develops not only conventional but also renewable resources on federal lands. 

Interior supports its domestic energy mission and goals through international cooperation.  Through technical exchanges, training, and leading by example, the Department works globally to ensure that energy resources are produced in environmentally, economically, and socially responsible ways.  Interior’s technical experts assist countries with sound scientific data and share lessons learned and best practices with their foreign government counterparts to achieve the best use, regulations, and benefits possible.  Interior also participates in peer exchanges to share best practices for improved legal frameworks, revenue management, health and safety, and environmental protection in countries with a long history of energy production as well as countries considering new energy programs.

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