Studying resilience in urban coastal ecosystems: the Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay

Last edited 09/05/2019
Contact Information

Contact:  Charles Roman (NPS),, (401) 874-6886

The Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay, a partnership of research institutions, the City of New York and the National Park Service are is engaged in studies to support habitat restoration and adaptation strategies that will enhance the long term sustainability and resilience of Jamaica Bay.  

The Department of the Interior’s Hurricane Sandy Mitigation funding is supporting research projects throughout Gateway National Recreation Area’s Jamaica Bay aimed at advancing our knowledge of resilience in urban coastal ecosystems. Ten research projects are underway, each conducted by partners of Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay. The Institute, a cooperative effort initiated by the National Park Service and the City of New York, is a consortium of top-tier research institutions, led by the City University of New York. The research projects, planned for completion in fall 2016, are focused on enhancing our understanding of coastal habitat response and resilience to sea-level rise and storms. Will coastal habitats that fringe the Bay be able to migrate landward and are there restoration measures that will increase the ability to maintain essential ecosystem services and adapt to climate change? Scientists are developing advanced numerical models capable of projecting the response of Jamaica Bay to sea-level rise and storm surge, as well as understanding how coastal adaptation or restoration practices (e.g., marsh elevation enhancement) will influence coastal flooding, storm waves, and water quality. A real-time observing system is being developed to monitor local meteorology, water circulation, sediments, nutrients, and other parameters – this information will support models and capture valuable information on responses to future storm events and climate change. Our cooperating scientists are analyzing the environmental history and past water quality trends, providing historical insight to the resilience concept. There is also a social science project that engages local communities, government agencies and scientists on their visions of resilience and adaptation strategies. 

More information:

Link to the Science and Resilience Institute of Jamaica Bay:

The following google site houses NPS Hurricane Sandy proposals, project progress reports and general information about each project. This site continues to be developed:

The following is a link to a fact sheet on the Science and Resilience Institute:

The following is a link to recent newsletter of the Science and Resilience Institute:

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