DOINews: All DOI Employees: Employee Commuter Survey

Last edited 09/05/2019
To: All DOI Employees
From: Lori Faeth, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Policy and International Affairs
Subject: Employee Commuter Survey
We will be conducting a short employee commuter survey October 20-31, 2014, to help DOI measure and report our greenhouse gas emissions as required by Executive Order (EO) 13514,"Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance."
Earlier this year, the Department submitted its annual Sustainability Plan mapping out how we will reduce our environmental footprint during the coming year. One of our goals is to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions from employee commuting. You could help us measure progress toward meeting this goal by participating in a survey of the commuting habits of DOI employees.
We are asking all DOI employees (including full-time, permanent, seasonal, term, and part-time employees) to complete the survey. Your responses to this survey will help us identify alternative commute options that could be offered within DOI in the future. The response rate was relatively low in 2013, and we would like all of us to do our part to increase the response rate this year.
Employee participation in past commuter surveys has shown how we are achieving sustainability goals. For example, the average employee annual commute produced 20 percent fewer emissions in FY 2013 than in FY 2010. More employees are walking, biking, and telecommuting to work. A summary of DOI's commuter survey results is available at:
You should expect to receive an email from on October 20, 2014, with a unique link to the survey. If you have not received an email by October 21, 2014, please check your Spam email folder. If you do not receive the e-mail, please
In order to ensure that survey responses are completed only once by each employee, we have created a survey link specifically for you.Please do not delete or send your unique survey link to anyone else since each link can be completed only once.
Your responses are completely confidential. Your responses to the questions will be permanently separated from your email address. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes of your time.
If you have any questions about DOI's greenhouse gas reduction program, please feel free to contact Katie Chiang,, (202) 208-5939, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance.
Thank you in advance for your help with this important analysis. For more information about EO 13514 and the importance of this survey, visit thisFedCenterlink.

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