DOINews: BLM-Eastern States Provides Education Activities at Occoquan, Va., River Festival

Last edited 09/05/2019
Children crowding around a BLM-Eastern States environmental exhibit at the second annual Occoquan River Festival.
A volunteer with Students Encouraging Environmental Discovery demonstrates the environmental impact contaminated runoff into the water system during the second annual Occoquan River Festival in Springfield, Va. BLM-Eastern States recently partnered with SEED for the event, treating hundreds of children to a day filled with inspiring hands-on activities. Photo by Charlé McCauley, environmental intern, Lower Potomac Field Station, BLM-ES.

Three children using magnifying glasses and tweezers to examine owl pellets.
Children learn about the dietary habits of owls at an environmental education exhibit that BLM-ES and SEED held during the second annual Occoquan River Festival in Springfield, Va. These students are at work on their owl-pellet discovery and dissection. Photo by Charlé McCauley, environmental intern, Lower Potomac Field Station, BLM-ES.

A young child closely examining the contents of his bug jar.
A future entomologist inspects his ladybug near an environmental education exhibit that BLM-ES and SEED presented during the second annual Occoquan River Festival in Springfield, Va. During the festival, approximately 200 children visited the exhibit. Photo by Charlé McCauley, environmental intern, Lower Potomac Field Station, BLM-ES.

A little boy looking at his feet as he jumps up and down.
The Animal Olympics, an activity that BLM-ES and SEED held during the second annual Occoquan River Festival in Springfield, Va., promotes the first lady's Let's Move Outside initiative. Children mimic the movements of animals and insects during the activity. This little boy is jumping like a cricket. Photo by Charlé McCauley, environmental intern, Lower Potomac Field Station, BLM-ES.
Young child taking a close look at a small fossil that she's holding between her fingertips.
This young scientist discovers a fossil while investigating the world of sand. Photo by Charlé McCauley, environmental intern, Lower Potomac Field Station, BLM-ES.

SPRINGFIELD, Va. — The Bureau of Land Management-Eastern States has a long history of supporting local events with environmental education exhibits and activities. During the second annual Occoquan River Festival, the BLM-ES partnered with Students Encouraging Environmental Discovery to treat hundreds of children to a day filled with inspiring and stimulating hands-on activities.

BLM-ES resource specialists presented educational opportunities that they designed to encourage curiosity about environmental issues, as well as promote first lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move Outside initiative. Some of the featured activities included ladybug bug jars, owl-pellet dissection, fossil discovery, an enviroscape demonstration of contaminated runoff, and “Animal Olympics,” an activity that teaches children about the natural world while engaging them in physical activity.

The BLM-ES works with teachers, and federal, state and nonprofit partners to deliver environmental education programs to students in northern Virginia, Maryland, and the Washington, D.C., inner city.

By: Lindsay Simmons, External Affairs intern, BLM-Eastern States
July 26, 2011

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