360 DM 3 - Distribution of Audit Reports and Semiannual Reporting

Office of the Inspector General

3/1/21 - replaced Word document with updated 508 compliant PDF document.

This Departmental Manual Release includes revisions to the organization, delegation, and program chapters for the Office of Inspector General.  The revised chapters also incorporate applicable provisions of Secretary’s Orders 3229, dated June 5, 2001, Delegation of Personnel Management Authority; 3246, dated December 31, 2001, and Amendments 1 - 5, Transfer of Indirect Cost Negotiation Services from the Office of Inspector General; and 3254, dated June 24, 2004, and Amendments 1 & 2, Realignment and Reassignment of Certain Office of the Secretary Functions.  A summary of the revisions is provided below:

110 DM 4 - The organizational description for the IG’s office is updated to include current functions and office titles.

209 DM 10 - The delegation of authority is updated to include the IG’s authority for Senior Executive Service (SES) personnel management, and to define the delegation of authority to the General Counsel. 

355 DM 1 - Updated to clarify and better describe the policy and responsibilities for investigations, including adding the responsibilities and requirements for coordination activities during investigations.

355 DM 2 - Updated to include policy and requirements for investigating complaints and making referrals.

355 DM 3 - The chapter is reissued as a new chapter that consolidates all related requirements for preparing and processing investigative reports.  The requirements for coordination activities during investigations are removed and incorporated into 355 DM 1. 

355 DM 4 - The chapter is deleted.  The requirements for processing investigative reports, including distribution and referrals are moved to 355 DM 3.

355 DM 5 - The chapter is deleted and the requirements for labeling and reproducing investigative reports are updated and moved to 355 DM 3.  

355 DM 6 - The chapter is deleted and the information formerly in the chapter is updated and moved to 355 DM 2.

356 DM 1 - The chapter is deleted and the procedures for cooperating with outside agencies are moved to 355 DM 1.

356 DM 2 - The chapter is deleted and the procedures for handling and referring FBI reports are revised and consolidated in 355 DM 3. 

360 DM 1 - The chapter on audit policy has been updated and reformatted for placement in ELIPS.  

360 DM 2 - The chapter is retitled, updated, and expanded to consolidate information on types of audits, audit related services, and work plans (formerly in 360 DM 3).  

360 DM 3 - The chapter is retitled and revised to include information on audit reports and reporting procedures formerly in 360 DM 6.

360 DM 4 - The chapter is deleted and the policy for audit arrangements and services is updated and incorporated in 360 DM 2.  

360 DM 5 - The chapter is deleted and the policy for the conduct of and response to audits is revised and incorporated in 360 DM 1.  

360 DM 6 - The chapter is deleted and the audit reporting policy is incorporated into a new 360 DM 3