List of Artisans

Tlingit Tribal Art

Paintings, carved panels, paddles, masks, bowls, spoons, engraved jewelry, appliqued jackets, tattoo designs. Commissions accepted.

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Eskimo dolls, masks, birch bark baskets, whalebone and walrus ivory carvings, baleen products, jewelry, ulus, parkas and mukluks.

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L&M Ivory

Silver Hand Ulus, handcrafted by individual artist, Leroy Barlip. Also sells Native art including ivory (walrus) carvings, masks, and scrimshaw on fossil ivory, antler knives & products.

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Lokosh, Nannikbi' - Maker

Wooden bird effigy carvings, duck decoys, mixed-media drawings, prints.

Open commission list. Please contact me for more information.

Instagram: @lokosh

Facebook: @lokosh_saya

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Two Feathers & More

Products: Contemporary and collectible jewelry, beadwork, paintings, weaving, pottery, fiber arts, carvings, fashion and home furnishings.

We offer special orders on select items. Consignment space available on quality Native American products only. Email for more details on consignment items.

Purchases can be made through our website or retail location. We accept most credit cards and debit cards. We are a retail sales store located on the Santa Fe Plaza.

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Harlan E. Racine Arts

Carving head stones out of Native stone, feather and quill work, skull painting, dreamcatchers, bone work, willow and beaded canes, teepee furnishings.

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