Socio-Economic Metrics Report


DOI initiated a process to establish criteria for evaluating project success and to establish metrics that quantify changes in resilience resulting from project actions at multiple scales. A team of Federal experts was convened to comprise the metrics expert group (MEG). This team developed performance metrics to measure changes in ecological resilience resulting from the DOI-sponsored projects, and determined that a separate analysis was needed for the development of socio-economic metrics. This report builds on the MEG ecological metrics and incorporates metrics to address potential socio-economic impacts resulting from the DOI-sponsored projects. Combined, the metrics identified by the MEG and this report will be used to evaluate the results of the DOI projects, individually and across larger scales. Such evaluative efforts will inform best practices, address knowledge gaps, sustain and enhance improvements in coastal resilience, and further community competence and empowerment. The Natural Infrastructure Metrics group (NIMs) which is a working group under the guise of the Systems Approach to Geomorphic Engineering group (SAGE) was formed and the final Socio-Economic Metrics Report to measure DOI Hurricane Sandy Project and Program Outcomes was recently released by Abt Associates. 

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