Shuttle Service

Joint Shuttle Service

Shuttle provides official transportation to Reston/Herndon and Interior Bureaus.

Service is provided to and from the Udall/Main Interior Building (MIB) at E Street between 18th and 19th streets.

Shuttle Service is for Official Business Only. Family members not authorized.


  • Accommodates 25 passengers.
  • Wheelchair accessible for two passengers.
  • Mid-day runs to and from the MIB.
  • Buses are equipped with video surveillance equipment for your protection and safety.

Shuttle Hotline: (703) 648-7273

Shuttle Rules

We are committed to ensuring that our partners’ official business employees and business guests are assured seating and that their trip is pleasant, comfortable, secured, and conducted in a safe manner. To achieve this standard, we ask your cooperation to adhere to the following rules.

  • Passengers are to use the shuttle for official business only. Commuting is not allowed.
  • Passengers must show their Government identification to the driver on boarding.
  • Partners’ employees and their guests are given priority seating.
  • Unescorted guests must have a shuttle pass obtained through the appropriate Shuttle Stop Contact listed on the reverse side of this brochure or call (703) 648-7280 for assistance.
  • All passengers must have a seat and “fasten seat belt”. There is no standing on the shuttle.
  • All passengers must complete the passenger manifest.
  • Passengers may not carry open food or drink on the shuttle.

Shuttle driver will not accept materials for delivery or allow materials to be left unattended on the shuttle.





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