Last edited 09/05/2019

In a tradition going back to the early days of the VISTA Teams, new members were presented their new official OSMRE or DOI VISTA fleeces by Allan Comp, founder and program officer, and Mary Pletcher, deputy assistant secretary, DOI, at our annual Eastern Spring Training earlier this month. With the presentation of these fleeces, we officially welcomed the eastern half of our new VISTAs to the OSMRE and DOI VISTA Teams, as well as one member to our OSMRE/AmeriCorps Team.

DOI/VISTAS receiving their fleeces from DOI Deputy Assistant Secretary Mary Pletcher and founder and program officer Alan Comp.
Allan Comp, founder and program officer, and Mary Pletcher, deputy assistant secretary, DOI, present new VISTAS with their fleeces at our annual Eastern Spring Training earlier this month. (Top row, from left: Pletcher and Comp standing on either side of DOI/VISTAS Corrie Parrish, Roxie Wilson, and Adam Rautio. Bottom row, from left: Pletcher and Comp standing on either side of DOI/VISTAS Amanda Gardner, Jay Prevatt, and Devin Powers.)

In a tradition going back to the early days of the VISTA Teams, new members were presented their new official OSMRE or DOI VISTA fleeces by Allan Comp, founder and program officer, and Mary Pletcher, deputy assistant secretary, DOI, at our annual Eastern Spring Training earlier this month. With the presentation of these fleeces, we officially welcomed the eastern half of our new VISTAs to the OSMRE and DOI VISTA Teams, as well as one member to our OSMRE/AmeriCorps Team.

The DOI and OSMRE VISTA Teams and support office staff gather for a photo at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va.
The DOI and OSMRE VISTA Teams and support office staff gather at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va., for Eastern Spring Training.

Seven of our new DOI/VISTAs are serving in brand new sites, spanning Alaska to Maine and several states in between.

We know our VISTAs will wear their fleeces proudly as they work to alleviate poverty in their communities!

Submitted by: DOI VISTA Team
March 26, 2015

The OSMRE/VISTA Team is an innovative partnership among the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement, Volunteers in Service to America and local watershed and community improvement groups.

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