U.S. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Commences Public Comment Period

Signature Initiative of the U.S. Open Government National Action Plan

Last edited 09/05/2019

WASHINGTON – The Department of the Interior today announced that a public comment period will be held to collect suggestions for formation of a multi-stakeholder group that will implement the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a voluntary, multi-national framework for transparency in reporting revenues received for oil, gas and mineral extraction. The design of each EITI framework is country-specific, and is developed through a multi-year, consensus-based process by a multi-stakeholder group comprised of representatives from government, industry and civil society. Thus, the USEITI multi-stakeholder group will be responsible for the design of the U.S. framework and its implementation.

As a key element of President Obama's Open Government Partnership commitments, active public involvement is vital to the success of USEITI. Interested persons are urged to take advantage of the various opportunities to comment on the formation of the multi-stakeholder group and implementation of USEITI. The comment period will range from February 25, 2012, through April 9, 2012. The announcement was made via a Federal Register notice, which can be viewed at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-02-24/pdf/2012-4316.pdf.

To comment, those interested can visit the USEITI web page at www.doi.gov/EITI and fill out the form. Additionally, comments can be sent via email to EITI@ios.doi.gov. Other methods for commenting are listed in the Federal Register Notice itself, located at www.regulations.gov. Comments will also be collected through a series of public meetings to be announced in the near future or submitted by mail, addressed to:

EITI Comments

c/o US Department of the Interior

1801 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Suite 400

Washington, DC 20006

The USEITI planning group is comprised of members from the White House and the Departments of Interior, State and Treasury.

More information about EITI and USEITI can be found at www.doi.gov/EITI.


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